1. Hobby related gifts Children find joy in things when they see us enjoying it! Share your love of trains, puzzles, or doll houses with your child. Whatever the skill or hobby that you enjoy, share your enthusiasm with you children! They will love having something that has a special connection to you.

2. Arts and crafts I distinctly remember getting my Spin Art Machine for Christmas and how much fun I had playing with it for hours and hours (they still make it by the way... it is listed on my amazon store link... http://astore.amazon.com/ticandtimou01-20/

Some people think that arts and crafts aren't for everyone but I disagree. I think everyone can find an artistic talent and enjoy making different things with different materials if they have someone helping and encouraging them!
3. Wii or Playstation These games are truly the ultimate game for family and friends of all ages. We have had so much fun with our wii and there are a gazillion games for all interests. From bowling to surfing, it's seriously hard to find a game for everyone! There is even boggle Yahtzee and battleship for some old school fun!
4. Musical Instruments or Rockband for Playstation I love music! My husband's family comes from a very musical family and I love how they enjoy sitting around singing together for hours on end. I realize this is not for everyone but Rockband usually appeals to most people! Gotta love it!
Not able to spend that kind of cash or don't have a Playstation or Wii? No worries! Check out some of the karaoke games on CD rom that are really reasonably priced and SOOO much fun!
5. Jewelry If you have a daughter and you want her to have a special piece of jewelry, start this great tradition. My friends went together and started the beginning of a pearl necklace for Sienna and the cool thing about it is that you can add them on special occasions. This is such a meaningful gift that I LOVE! http://www.addapearl.com/

6. Special Books Find one of your favorite books as a child and give it to your child with a special message on the inside cover. This will be a treasure for years to come.
Looking for other meaningful gifts for your family? God to my Amazon store and search for every unique gift idea you can think of using age groups or special interests. You'll be sure to find the perfct gift at a reasonable price!
And of course, here's a few gifts YOU should ask for Christmas!
1. The Special Plate (which I have written about in a previous post) is one of my favorite gifts and I'm sure you would love it too. http://astore.amazon.com/ticandtimou01-20
2. A fun family board game is always a crowd pleaser and what could bring you more pleasure than spending hours of quality time with your family? Check out http://www.astore.amazon.comticandtimeou01-20/, then click on Toys and Games, then click on Top Family Board Games. Here, you will find a great list for you to choose from (based on the customer's favorites!)
3. Want to give back to others this holidays season? Here's a program that allows you to donate money to a Mom in Mozambique that is striving to start a business to feed her children. How cool is that? Check it out here www.groupon.com/deals/kiva/national.com Ask your family to make a donate for you and give you a certificate for recognition!
In addition - be sure to show joy when children give gifts that they give or make. My daughter started a tradition of getting her nieces together to make cookies to give as gifts. They took pics of them making them and created name tags. What a wonderful gift for family members.