Nifty vs. Thrifty

Sunday, February 21, 2010

How a good chef is like a mother

A good chef is like a mother
A good chef works quickly and efficiently...
A mother know how to get everything done and make it look easy!
A good chef makes sure the food temperature is accurate...
A mother makes sure the environment is comfortable for her child and if she's cold, she puts a coat on her.
A good chef adds spices to provide flavor without making it too hot or too bland...
A mother provides a fun atmosphere but knows when things are too overstimulating.
A good chef must make the meal slowly and use patience...
A mother waits patiently as her child learns lifes lessons by practicing and making many mistakes.
A good chef has perfect timing and can juggle many things at one time...
just like a mom.
A good chef makes mistakes but knows how to fix it or else start over from scratch and get it done fast...
just like a mom.
A good chef is always behind the scenes but always has a beautiful product, just like a mom.

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