Friday, December 3, 2010
Wondering Where I've Been?
See you there!!
Monday, November 29, 2010
A Great Cyber Monday Deal
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Children go crazy for this series which is well written and very fun!
Guinness Book of World Records 2011
Don't you remember reading this as a kid and being so amazed? This is such a cool book that your child and you can share together on Christmas morning!
These books and more of mine and Sienna's favs are on my Amazon store:
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Is it ok to Use Santa as a Bribe?
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Random Thoughts on Thanksgiving Morning

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Hosting a Memorable Thanksgiving Dinner

2. Prepare as much food as you can the day before (that's today if anyone is paying attention!) so that you can spend time with your guests. Many people think that being a great hostess means having the best food but the truth is, being a great hostess means being able to entertain them and provide a relaxed atmosphere. Remember, not everything needs to be fancy!
3. Delegate. People love to help out. Plan ahead and try to visualize how you can organize the day/evening. What will you need help with the most. If your children are little, ask someone to color with them (break out a Christmas toy early if you need to!) or hire a mommy's helper for a few hours.
4. Leave dishes. The dishes will not rot. A good hostess will let the dishes sit and spend quality time with the family. Better yet, use paper plates!!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
The Most Magical Gifts for Your Family

Looking for other meaningful gifts for your family? God to my Amazon store and search for every unique gift idea you can think of using age groups or special interests. You'll be sure to find the perfct gift at a reasonable price!
Friday, November 19, 2010
The Perfect, Simple Thanksgiving Recipe
1 40 oz. can of yams
2 eggs
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp allspice
1/8 tsp ground cloves
1/8 tsp nutmeg
3/4 cup evaporated milk
1/4 stick of butter, melted
Preheat oven to 375. Mix togehter ingredients. Pour into casserole dish and bake uncovered for 40-50 minutes. You'll see cracks in the yams when they are done cooking! SIMPLY TASTY!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Being the CEO of your Household
When I see my stay at home mom role as a job, I am better able to handle stressors and stay professional. I know that the word professional sounds weird but it is really important to not take things personally and stay focused on the responsibilities at hand. As much as I love being able to give my daughter hugs and kisses all the time (and I do!) it's nice to also step away and just do my job!
Next, any CEO of a successful company will tell you that organization is very important. Your home is no different and needs to have systems, goals, and rewards.
Having goals as a stay at home mom can help you to stay focused.Having a schedule is SOOOOO important. My schedule is pretty flexible but I definitely prioritize eating and sleeping times for the kiddos. Having a schedule is very important for helping everyone understand what is expected of them and when and even help us to stay focused. Children respond very well to routine and time frames.
If you work hard during the day, accomplishing your goals, and keeping a happy healthy home then you should have no guilt about taking a day to yourself. Every job as personal days and you should too!
Get out of your sweatpants.
Every office has a dress code to make people appear and feel professional. There's the old saying that you should "dress the part" if you want to succeed at something. Sometimes it's the little things that can help you feel more important and give you motivation throughout your day. Get out of your sweatpants and put on something that makes you feel like you look nice and it might be enough to help you feel good about yourself when you walk past the morror. (by that I mean jeans and a sweater-let's be real!)
Picture yourself as the person you want to become. If being a stay at home mom is something you truly want, take the time to create the role you wish to attain and set yourself up with all the tools you need to make it happen!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Getting Your Love On
Michele Paiva has worked as an author, radio host, yoga instructor, and wellness coach. I am so excited to have her share her ideas with my readers....hope you enjoy!
This is the time of year when though we claim to be festive more than ever, we are actually a society filled with increased depression, stress, anxiety and weight gain.
Lead with your heart, and get your love on...
Not love for others-you are probably focusing too much on making others happy right now and that is what got you into this mess (or what WILL get you into that mess!). Instead, focus on loving yourself more. Take yourself to the next level; instead of focusing externally focus internally. Transform your anxiety and stress to energy, and banish depression and combat weight gain with commitment to yourself.
Think about your past, and heal your childhood and relationship wounds so that you can activate undeveloped potential and increase your ability to cope, love yourself, and thus handle the holiday season with an embrace not a grimace.
It sounds elementary, and it is; but it is often overlooked. We say things like "make time for yourself" as if one need to schedule sanity into our hectic life....that shouldn't be the way it is! You should be focused on your time all the time, and make time for OTHERS!
Schedule others - yes even your children.
I am a homeschooling mother of two; one is in college, the other in 11th grade. I love them with all my heart but I also have boundaries, and those boundaries are respected and learned, and they too focus on helping themselves before reaching out to help another. I am all for that attitude.
Most people who are very at peace and happy with simple are able to walk away or deflect that behavior, but those who are less at peace, are more vulnerable to this, and so the cycle continues within themselves. When you focus on your own needs and meet them (and trust me, a lot men and women really need to not feel guilt on this one!) you will harness energy that is second to none.
When you are stressed or depressed you are not as strong, even immunity-wise, it is easier to catch a cold or flu, and to catch a "mood", in that I mean you will if stressed or depressed, be more likely to absorb someone else's negative emotions or cranky outlook, even their tension.
It's really all about focus.
One way to really show the day down, increase potassium (which is so important when speaking about stress) and give yourself some aroma therapy as a boost, it is simply to make this recipe. Share it with others but first, and foremost, have some for YOU!!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Saving Money for the Holidays
Winter is approaching and we often think about recharging our cold spirits by buying a new latte at Starbucks, going to the spa, or having dinner out with our friends. All of these things are great, but think of how much space they take in our budget. If we can truly find enjoyment in ourselves than we will REALLY save big bucks while teaching our children to not be materialistic and find enjoyment in the simple things in life.
If we turn on the t.v or look in our children's classrooms, we will quickly see how materialistic our society has become. I admit, I am constantly challenged by trying to avoid shopping for the latest shoes or fantasizing about going to the nicest spa for a pedicure. But if we really try to focus on creating the greatest MEMORIES, we can quickly learn that the best things in life really are free! Here's an example.
As mothers, finding time to relax and unwind is priceless, right? Here's an idea for you that doesn't cost a dime. Find a quiet, relaxing space in your home to call your own (a favorite chair, the bath tub, or even in bed if you find that relaxing) Set up a little area with a favorite candle, prepare a cup of tea and put on your favorite p.js. Sound inviting yet? Good, I'm not finished!
Next, I want you to find a favorite magazine or book and take half an hour (or more!) to just have YOU time. Recharge your battery and energize your soul! Think about the money you are saving by creating a mommy moment without shopping or spending on dinner out, manicures, etc.! Don't get me wrong, there are definitely times when a mom should splurge on herself- but using moderation and finding thrills in your own home will not only save you money but help you find balance during difficult times (especially those times when you don't have money!)
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Using Guided Imagery to Help Your Family

1. Picture your family doing the things that you wish would change (ex. fighting, sadness, or illness).
2. Next, picture yourself throwing that picture away.
3. Create a new family portrait in your imagination with the family that you wish to become.
4. Take baby steps to move toward that image.

Interested in learning more about guided imagery? Check this out:
Thursday, October 28, 2010
5 Simple Ideas to Make Trick or Treating a Success!

1. Keep your eye on the clock. If your children are young, get them started early and home early so they don't get too tired and end up miserable. Be realistic about your expectations and plan on one parent taking a young child home early if necessary so that older children can still enjoy themselves. Remember, you want it to be a positive experience for everyone, not a nightmare! As Kenny Rodgers says, "Know when to fold em, know when to walk away!"
If your kid is over 13, don't allow them to Trick or Treat. It is a little upsetting for a 13 year old to be told that they can't trick or treat anymore but it is necessary to set limits. Trick or treating is really for small kids. If you have an older child, engage them in the fun by having them give out candy and encourage them to dress up if they would like to. For crying out loud, keep your kid inside after the trick or treating hours are over, don't let you kid be one of the kids that are way too old knocking on doors after hours!
2. Prioritize what's important. Focus on how a child rocks the costume instead of who has the neatest one. I remember my brother was devastated one year because someone else at school made an R2D2 costume that was "better" then his. Focus on having good manners and having fun instead of how much candy they got and your child will have an enjoyable Halloween. Remember, it's not a competition-it's about having fun with your neighbors and family.
3. Dress your Children in Layers. Halloween weather is always tricky and can really turn trick or treating into a disaster if your not prepared. Watch the weather closely and dress your kids in an extra layer under their costume if needed.
4. Preset your children. Trick or treating is a very exciting night but it only happens once a year. Talk to your kids about expectations before leaving the house since they may not remember what it's like or know what to expect. Talk to them about manners and be clear about the plan for the evening. Give examples of what kind of things could happen and quiz them on what they will do if that occurs (example..."People may not know what you are since your character is a little unknown. What will you tell them if they ask?" or "What happens if someone offers candy that you don't like?" This will help them know what to say when the time comes.
5. Set clear candy rules and stick to them. If your child is a kid that will consume half a bowl of candy in one sitting, set some rules and stick to them. Put out other yummy alternatives for you and the kids to snack on before you are tempted to eat candy.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Making Mealtimes Memorable

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Seeking a Natural and Healthy Lifestyle for Your Family?

Monday, October 18, 2010
Stay at Home Mom, Working Mom, or Part Time Working Mom?
Should you work full time?

Being a stay at home mom is not for everyone and if it's not for you, you certainly shouldn't feel bad about it! I feel so bad hearing women (or men) who are unhappy staying at home with their children. Everyone goes through rough days (maybe even a week) but if you are finding yourself unhappy for extended periods of time, think of some other options. If most of the following statements match your feelings, perhaps it's time to go back to work, go back to school, or work part time.
1. You are going into debt because you can't afford to pay your bills.
2. You are not known to be very patient.
3. You miss your old job constantly.
4. 10 minutes of duck duck goose is enough to drive you into the grave.
5. The thought of repeating the same thing 55 times a day is less than enticing.
6. You think a play date is the worst possible thing you could do with your time.
7. You constantly miss the lifestyle you had while you were working.
8. You find yourself moody and resentful of the life your significant other has outside the home.
9. If you hear Elmo's laugh one more time, you might punch yourself in the face.
10. You have found your passion/niche (and it doesn't involve being a stay at home mom!)
Should you work Part Time? New research indicates that moms that work part time are the happiest because they have their time away but don't feel overwhelmed by trying to do everything. If the following statements match your feelings, it may be time to look into a part time job or even going back to school.
1. You have to work to pay the bills (and by bills I mean mortgage, utilities, or car payments). You hate constantly worrying about how you're going to pay the electric bill.
2. You miss getting out and feeling like an adult.
3. You would like to make a little extra money for a nice pair of boots you've been eyeing up.
4. You enjoy staying at home (most of the time) but sometimes feel chained to the house and need a break.
Should you stay at home full time?

1. You truly enjoy playing hide n seek, duck duck goose, and reading Elmo books (it's not for everyone after all)
2. You enjoy being creative and finding new games to play.
3. Coloring and crafts are a hobby of yours.
4. You often find yourself singing Barney songs.
5. The thought of working full time and letting someone else take care of your child makes you feel ill.
6. You feel like staying at home with the kids is what you were meant to do.
Whatever choice you make, the important thing is to feel confident in your decision and not carry around guilt. Also, it's enough to know that you are a good mom if you are able to pay your bills, keep your children in a safe and fulfilling environment (even if it's not with you!), and still be true to yourself!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
5 Simple Questions to Show Your Child they are Loved
2. "Which way would you like to do your chores...wearing your cool shoes or without them?"
3. "I am not sure why you are talking to your sister that way?"
4. "Can you tell me more about that?"
5. "When did you learn to do that, can you teach me?"
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Dealing with a Difficult Teacher

Avoiding difficult people doesn't solve problems and can lead to negative self esteem in children. Instead, teach your children to use the tools they have to overcome their struggles and allow these experiences to be a positive experience instead of a negative one. Try not to focus too much on the problem and instead focus on the schoolwork, reminding your child that your teacher is there to teach not to be your friend. Overall, your child will walk away from this experience with a new lesson in their pocket and a better view on education.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Goal Setting for Children
I always say that succes is a loose term and should be defined by the individual. I believe that my child will also only be successful if she can meet her own goals (not mine). I will be very careful to not define success for her. But, I also want to give her the skills she needs to meet her goals and feel confident in the little successes in life. So, I came up with a little skill setting exercise...
Ask your child what they want. Ask them to be specific and tell them to picture themselves doing (or having that). Have them close their eyes and visualize the goal or draw a picture of what it will look like.

Set Goals
Whether your child would like to build a huge Lego castle, save money for something cool, or make a good grade, have your child write it down. Then, ask your child to write down a plan (or explain) what they are going to do to attain their goal.
Google information about the subject. Find people that have accomplished the same goals that your child is working toward. Make yourself knowledgeable (at least a little bit!) about the subject and try to create an environment where your child feels that can accomplish their goals.
Tell your child a story about something that you wanted (and accomplished) that was not easy for you. Explain how it took time, patience, focus and perseverance. Never say that what they want is impossible or silly. Instead, ask them how that will happen if it sounds outlandish.
Next, follow up by asking your child [occasionally] how they are making out with their goals. Take time to listen to their response (yes that means putting down your cell phone and stopping what you are doing!) and ask them if there is anything you can do to help them with their plans.
Finally, plan a party or something special (even it's their favorite dinner or an ice cream treat) when they accomplish their goal. Make sure it's a surprise because you don't want it to be the sole reason why their wish to fulfil their goals. The most effective payoff is their own pride for accomplishing the task and the joy they feel associated with that result is something they will cherish and remember in the future.
Remember, the goal that your child sets today will probably change tomorrow...and that's OK! The important thing is to show them how to organize their thoughts, set their goals, and feel pride in the steps leading to their accomplishments. Also, letting them know that you believe in them and what they want to accomplish.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Teaching Children to be Accepting of Others

- Don't avoid the uncomfortable conversation because you feel like you are making an uncomfortable conversation. Put the ownership back on them, they are the ones that caused the uncomfortable situation and causing a poor example for your child.
- Use a touch of humor to ease the conversation (but still addressing your point) such as saying, "wow, Sally, welcome to 2010 the year we are accepting of others and showing our children intolerance! What's up with these remarks?"
- Address the issue with your child by telling them that you do not like what you heard and that you will talk to that person about it. Avoid, saying, "That person is a biggot or a racist!" and instead explain to your child that people make bad choices and sometimes say things that aren't OK but they are still good people.
Ignorance is a huge problem in our society and teaching our children to be tolerant of others is something we must do as parents. Although, it's not always easy, the payoff will be a child who is loving, kind and accepting of others!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
3 Simple Ways to Make the Most of your Child's Sports Activities

Thursday, September 30, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
3 Quick and Easy Ways to Engage in Play

Saturday, September 25, 2010
Product Review: The Silly Sorter
Thursday, September 23, 2010
How a Diary Can be Your Child's Best Friend

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
How Therapy Has Made Me a Better Mom

Sunday, September 19, 2010
Great Activities Without Spending a Dime!
I used to work with children with autism and provided many sensory exercises. While working with the children with special needs, I found thier brothers, sisters, and classmates wanting to do the activities as well. I began doing these activities with other kids and found they liked it just as much!
Children love pressure and squeezing. They find it hysterical if you tell them you're going to sit on them and flatten them into a pancake (I like to pretend to put syrup on top and then eat them)
Next, children love the sandwich game. Take some pillows from your couch or sofa and put your child into a 'sandwich'. Ask your child what they want on their sandwich, "Would you like me to add cheese or tomatoes? " Put the cushions or pillows on top of your child and push down with a little pressure. Your child will love it!
Finally, exercise balls are great for bouncing and rolling. Use your imagination for different ideas such as having the child sit on the ball and bounce them lightly or put them on top of the ball (on their belly) and roll forward and back. Another option? Roll or bounce the ball across the room to each other.
Don't have anything to play with in your living room? Challenge older children to a push up contest or get the little ones to start marching! Children love to march and will enjoy following you around and stomping their feet!
Children have so much energy and also have many sensory needs. They often act out as a result of either being tired, bored, or needing some sensory input. Try some of these activities and you will definetly have some quality time and create a positive experience with your kids. The best part? All you need is your imagination and some willingness to try new things! Enjoy!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Is Your Family Grounded?
To me, staying grounded means living up to the priorities that I set for myself and my husband and I have set for our family. Of course, what 'staying grounded' means to me could be an entirely thing than it means for you. Your job is to figure it out so you can have the family life you desire! Here are a few ways to help you find out what it means to you!
1. Have a conversation with your significant other about family priorities. Having a candid conversation about family priorities can really be eye opening. I remember where I was when I had the conversation with my husband about what priorities he felt were most important for raising children. I remember that I was pregnant at the time (perhaps this conversation should have been before that point! LOL!) Before opening this conversation, think about the question first. Try to be open minded and listen carefully.
2. Put your ideas and goals on paper. This really helps me. I may write it down and never look at it again but having things written helps me to prioritize (and really make it real!)
3. Make it happen. Make your actions consistant with your priorities. If you are working towards having a positive and happy family, are your conversations and actions mostly positive? If you are working on being an honest family, are you being honest as a role model? If you want your kids to get along better, are you communicating effectively with your spouse and even with your children?
Good luck and I would love to hear your ideas about this!!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Focus of the week: Karen Izzi
I met with Karen at Barnes and Noble a few months back. Her ideas were enlightening and inspirational. She explained Reiki to me (since I didn't really know very much about it) and how it is a healing touch which balances the shockers in the body (something I'm sure many moms could benefit from). Karen also motivated me to give back to the community. She talked about how she encourages peaceful healing to those going through troubled times (including many troubled teens). She gives teens facials and creates a peaceful and loving environment. In addition, she offers wellness counseling which specialized in behavior, guidance, dietary needs, and lifestyle changes. It was so nice to have met Karen and to hear the positive ways she is giving back to the community. I am now motivated to create more of a consciousness about love and peace myself and with my family.
If you are interested in hostessing a massage party or visiting Karen for one of her services, call Karen for more information 484-889-8668 or email
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
3 Greatest Tricks to Getting Your Child to Love Reading

1. Create a special 'Reading Time'. This is something fun you can do together! Read on your own while your child is also reading. First, ask your child to set a timer for a certain length of time (maybe 10 minutes). Next, have them find a "special reading spot" (under a table, behind a sofa, or anywhere they like!) Turn off any t.vs, radios, or phones that may distract. Finally, RELAX and enjoy your quiet time (although it may be brief!)
Thursday, September 2, 2010
The Secret to Beauty...Generosity!

Saturday, August 28, 2010
Giving up Gossip
One thing I have thought about this week is how my gossiping (or lack there of) can affect my relationships with others. When I think about the people around me that gossip a lot, I tend to wonder what they are saying about me to others when I'm not around.
Also, I never thought of this before but Facebook is a breeding ground for gossip. Since part of my promise is to not participate in gossip, this week I starting hiding some of my friends that tend to gossip on Facebook. I read what's on my Facebook page every day and if I have gossipers writing every day then I am [in a way] participating in it.
Sooooo...what about my daughter? If I am gossiping, how will it affect my child? Well, if she hears me doing it, she will most likely begin gossiping in school or on the playground. Is that something I want? I would much rather my energy and her energy spent toward something positive and away from something that wouldn't potentially harm someone else. Will she start hanging out with others that gossip and maybe the kids who pick on other kids? Will her friends not trust her and think she talks about everyone? Hmmmm.
Do I occasional gossip? Yes, but this experience is really teaching me that gossip is no good and staying positive when I'm chatting with others leaves me with a much better feeling at the end of the day!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Handling Confrontation
If I have a significant issue with someone I care about, I really try to resolve the matter as soon as possible. First of all, I try to think extensively about the best way to handle the problem (This may take a few days!), if not I will most likely say something out of anger and then regret it. Then, I confront the issue in a calm but assertive manner (of course this is the hardest part). Finally, I have to follow up with any promises I've made regarding the issue (no, I changed my mind, this is the hardest part!) PHEW! My favorite thing to say (in the past) is "one more time and I'm out of here." But I've learned that making these kinds of threats makes my follow through very difficult which enevitebly loses my credibility!
The thing is, I take pride how I take responsibility for my actions. I think I have a pretty good life and I know I have worked damn hard for it! But why is life so hard sometimes? Why does facing these confrontations head on seem so tough? I guess it's just a part of life and how we learn and grow but darn it...I'm exhausted!
So, what does all of this have to do with motherhood? Well, any research on society will show you that a child learns how to deal with their problems mostly from his parents. So, if I choose to confront my problems (with my husband, my daughter's teacher, or even directly with my daughter) in a calm but assertive manner, she will most likely handle her problems in a similar fashion.
Having a child that can eventually stand up for herself and be resilient is something I would really like to teach my child but darn it...I have a lot of work to do!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
10 Things I Love About Having a Child
Monday, August 23, 2010
Letters to my Daughter
The journal that contains thoughts and ideas is almost like a series of letter to Sienna. I write things about her developmental milestones but also about life lessons (honesty, respect, and love). I am hoping that by the time she has a daughter, she will really enjoy and appreciate these thoughts and ideas I have written. Also, in the event that I pass away, she will have a special keepsake to feel like I am still with her even if I'm not. I am not sure exactly when she will get this journal (hopefully not for a long time!) but I am pretty sure it will be very special!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
4 Easy Ways to Ensure a Successful School Year
2. Get your child excited about school. Talk to you child about their new classroom, teacher, and/or friends. Ask them what they are excited about most or what they are most nervous about. It's often helpful focus on making the new school year itself exciting by asking about books or classes (instead of things like clothes or material objects).
3. Prepare, Prepare, Prepare. Read through any information that you receive right away and do your shopping promptly so that things aren't crazy the day before school starts. Go through school supplies and/or clothes and purge old things to keep it simple. Help your child find a special space for them to do their homework. They can make this space their own with a cork board, bulletin board, and supplies.
4. Provide your child with expectations. Think ahead about what you want your child's school year to be like. What do you need to do to make sure that happens? Setting clear expectations ahead of time will provide your children with ample time to prepare. Of course, consistency is key! So, start thinking now about what you want the school week to look like and what you need to make sure it happens. What are the usual problem areas? If mornings are normally crazy, waking up earlier might be the answer. Perhaps your child is old enough now to start taking out their own breakfast or utensils. Are there any modifications you can make to help them help themselves (such as moving the plates to a lower cabinet)?
Enjoy these special days. Although the first days back to school are filled with mixed emotions, they won't last forever and one day we will miss these special times! Take pictures and tell your child how you feel! Don't forget, enjoy the moments!!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Try this simple and tasty salad...
Cran Raisins
Feta or Gorgonzola cheese
Optional: almond slices, eggs, onions, mandarin orange slices
You can use any dressing you like but my favorite is the Asian Sesame Dressing!
Friday, August 13, 2010
3 Easy Ways to Get Your Family Focused!

1. Provide a simple environment. When children are really young, their playtime is their learning time. If we allow

Have your children take out a certain number of toys at a time so they are less overwhelmed. (Of course, this also helps make clean up easier!) Be realistic and take into consideration their age and abilities. Use your awesome motherly intuition to figure out how many toys are too many. Watch your child intently to see if they seem overwhelmed and adjust accordingly.
Wondering how to get your teen to focus? Limit thier temptation to socialize with friends by keeping the phone in a certain place where you can see it such as the kitchen counter. However, don't forget to let them have it when they need their socialization time!!
2. Turn off the t.v. Creating an overstimulating environment will make it harder for children to focus in quiet areas (like the classroom). Make it easier for them to focus on whatever it is they are doing such as family dinner, homework, playtime, or reading by turning off the t.v.
3. Avoid giving your children too much caffeine and/or sugar. Giving a child a lot of sugar or caffiene and then expecting them to focus and be in control is not really a fair expectaiton to ask of your children. Giving them healthy snacks instead will make it easier for them to focus and sit still.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
DRINKMARX Customizable Markers
The kids and I had a pajama party today and used these Markers for a fun craft. The kids had so much fun making the "bracelets" (as they called them) and putting these fun accessories on their cups to identify which drink is theirs. The DRINKMARX markers come with a whole sheet of really cool stickers so the kids can personalize their own marker. The markers are durable and dishwasher safe and fit a variety of cups (even sippy cups!). They are $12.95 for a pack of 4.
For more details or to order your own beverage markers, visit their website at